Weightloss is the gradual decrease in body weight resulting from voluntary circumstances
- Dietary changes- Reducing calories and practicing healthier eating habits are vital to weight loss treatment
- Exercise and Activity- Increased physical activity is an essential part of obesity treatment
- Weight-loss medication- Weight-loss medications are meant to be used along with diet, exercise, and behavior changes, not instead of them. Before selecting a medication for you, our doctors will consider your health history, as well as possible side effects.
- Endoscopic procedures for weight loss- These types of procedures don't require any incisions in the skin. After you are under anesthesia, flexible tubes and tools are inserted through the mouth and down the throat into the stomach.
- Weightloss surgery- Weight-loss surgery limits the amount of food you're able to comfortably eat or decreases the absorption of food and calories
- Lower blood pressure.
- Lower levels of triglycerides.
- Less risk of heart disease.
- Improved mobility and reduced pain